Many myths about Bungy Jumping have swelled since The World Home of Bungy first welcomed guests in Queenstown 35 years ago. We’re here to bust the bizarre myths and confirm some of the most frequently asked questions about bungy jumping in New Zealand. Have you ever wondered if these 10 bungy myths are true?

Taupƍ Bungy Jumping


1. Will my jump operator push me? [BUSTED]

No. Our crew is committed to helping you accomplish something you never thought you could and succeeding in a personal challenge. Taking the leap alone is all part of the scary, crazy, experience!


2. Is Bungy jumping scarier than skydiving? [PLAUSIBLE]

This is a tough one. Comparing skydiving and Bungy jumping is like choosing between Antarctica or Samoa for your next adventure; you’ll have a blast either way but the journey will be far from similar. However, over the past 30 years, there are two pieces of feedback we hear repeatedly.

Is Bungy jumping scarier than skydiving?

The first is that skydiving is like stepping into a painting and has a surreal quality, whereas bungy jumping gives you more of an intense ground rush which heightens the adrenaline.

The other is that skydiving is reliant on your instructor leaping out of the plane with you strapped on, while bungy jumping forces you to overcome your fears alone, ultimately making the sense of accomplishment greater afterward. It’s up to you to choose the pace of your next adventure!


3. Do you feel a jerk when you bungy jump? [BUSTED]

If you take a great head-first leap from the platform, there is little to no abrupt jerk when the bungy cord tightens. Your cord will be carefully selected for your weight and will gradually stretch as you reach the bottom of your fall, making the deceleration very smooth and graceful! Your jump crew will let you know the ideal take-off technique on the day of your jump.


4. Should I look down when I’m standing on the bungy platform? [BUSTED]

If you have a few nerves or are prone to freezing in fear, try not to look down. We don’t recommend closing your eyes; our sites are based in some of the most gorgeous locations in New Zealand and you’ll want to remember that moment in vivid detail.

5. Am I too old to bungy jump? [BUSTED]

No! In our books, you’re only as old as you feel. Our minimum age to bungy jump ranges from 10-13 years old (depends on the site) and there is NO maximum age limit. Dorothy is the oldest person to bungy jump in New Zealand at 91 years young, taking the leap at the Auckland Bridge Bungy in 2020. We are also frequently visited by 80 year old Denice from Sydney! Almost every year Denice pops across the ditch to complete another AJ Hackett activity; reckon you could beat her 20 bungy jumps to date?


Accommodations can be made at most AJ Hackett Bungy NZ activities to ensure it’s as safe and smooth as possible for those with more life experience.

Psst.. if you’re over 75 years old, your activity is free!


6. Can I get stuck upside down while bungy jumping? [BUSTED]

You will be upside down for a portion of your experience. However, it’s more of a ‘intentionally-leap-off-a-platform-tied-by-your-ankles-but-not-in-a-stuck-way’ type of vibe.

Can I get stuck upside down while bungy jumping?

The Nevis Bungy and Auckland Bridge Bungy sites have a foot release mechanism that will allow you to release your feet after a few bounces but not your entire full-body harness. This means you can enjoy your time inverted at first while still having the option of sitting in your harness if that’s more comfortable for you.


As for the sites that don’t have this option, like the Kawarau and Taupƍ bungy, the crew are so good at their jobs that you’ll be in the boat and right side up before you know it.


7. Will I touch the ground when I bungy jump? [BUSTED]

Absolutely not! All of our sites actually have multiple cords that will be used depending on the jumper’s weight and height of the jump. These calculations are designed to give you the best possible height and bounce while still keeping you well away from the ground. If your site is above water
.that’s a different story.


8. Will I touch the water when I bungy jump? [PLAUSIBLE]

There is definitely a possibility of touching the water if you choose to at our Auckland, Taupƍ, or Kawarau bungy jumps. It’s not guaranteed as it does depend on your weight, water height, cord age, and how far you jump from the platform. Let our crew know if it is something you’re keen on and we can do our best to get you wet.

Will I touch the water when I bungy jump?

9. Can I bungy jump naked? Will I get my jump for free? [BUSTED]

We used to offer bungy free if you jumped with no clothing – but it turns out there are a LOT of people willing to take their kit off, so we had to do it! We’re not going to tell you whether you should or shouldn’t wear clothing – you absolutely can bungy jump naked if you would like to, however we don’t incentivise this with a free jump.


10. Do I have to swim back at the bottom? How do I get back up? [BUSTED]

We have nailed the perfect gravity-related experience from heart-racing to rebound and it doesn’t include making you swim your way back to land! At the Kawarau and Taupƍ Bungy we like to stick to our roots; after your giant bounces at the bottom of the bungy, you will be carefully lowered into a raft waiting below, to then be delivered back to shore. At every other activity of ours, there is a winch system that will be lowered down to get you like the catch of the day; no effort or extra step on your end.


After crossing these FAQs off your list and dispelling some of the most rampant bungy rumors, visit us at the AJ Hackett site near you to see what all the chatter is about. Still have a myth we didn’t bust (or just a perfectly logical question)? Contact our friendly crew here or via the live chat on our website.